Project management

Although – especially when referring to it with the neologism "outsourcing"– the externalization of some processes from the activity of an enterprise seems to be only a recent option for the leaders of an organization, this activity has a much older history, even if the forms in which it was conducted obviously differ from what we can see today.

It’s also true that outsourcing has experienced an extraordinary momentum in the last 3 decades, when the economic model of the first half of the last century – for a company to own, manage and control its assets – was replaced by the concept that promotes the conclusion of strategic partnerships that deliver improved results, to the detriment of internal ownership and control.

As for project management, its history is also a very broad one – we can, for example, establish its origins at the time of the implementation of the great constructions of antiquity – but, as with outsourcing, the last decades are indeed the ones that define its content and deployment.

În mod firesc, îmbinarea lor, respectiv externalizarea managementului unor proiecte, a cunoscut o dezvoltare exponențială tot în ultimii 30 de ani, în special mulțumită externalizării serviciilor de tehnologie a informației la care marile companii au apelat pe scară largă, în contextul în care alte servicii, de pildă cele juridice și financiare – inclusiv audit – erau deja, de regulă, asigurate de prestatori externi.

Naturally, their combination – namely the outsourcing of project management – has experienced an exponential development in the last 30 years, especially thanks to the externalization of the IT services which big enterprises did on a large scale, in the context of other services already traditionally provided by external suppliers, for instance the legal and financial/audit services.

The reasons to outsource the management of a project are usually related to staff shortages, the lack of a project manager, insufficient funds in this context to hire and train the new human resource that afterwards will have to be redistributed within the organization. The pressure of meeting a certain time limit is also an important constraint, as is the budgetary one.

We are open to discussions on this topic and ready to introduce you our services in this field, as we are confident that we can identify the appropriate solutions for your project!